Equipment Safety Training

MakerSpace training sessions are designed for individuals who are interested in accessing the equipment in the MakerSpace for their own use. Each session will demonstrate and review the safe and proper use of each of the machined listed for that session. Upon completion, the student will be qualified to independently use the listed equipment. Training is by appointment during our open studio time.

Please contact our MakerSpace staff to register at 410-636-6597 or

Training Class Options:

WOOD 1: Drill Press, Scroll Saw, Small Band Saw, Belt/Oscillating Sander and Miter Box Saw

WOOD 2: Planer, Joiner, Drum Sander, Router, Table Saw, Large Band Saw

DIGITAL FABRICATION: Laser Etching & Vinyl Cutter

BASIC SCREEN PRINTING: Screen creation and printing a one color print.

MakerSpace Safety Guidelines

  1. To use the equipment in the wood or metal shop, you must complete the appropriate safety training class for those tools.

  2. Do not use potentially dangerous equipment or chemicals when compromised by medication, alcohol, drugs, fatigue or other condition.

  3. If you are uncertain about how to operate a piece of equipment, ask!

  4. Always report unsafe conditions or acts.

  5. Do not engage in horseplay.

  6. Keep electrical panels free of obstruction.

  7. Dispose of trash in the appropriate waste bin. Use the oily waste can for any rags or other material that is potentially flammable.

  8. Never approach or try to speak with someone who is operating powered equipment. Wait until they are finished to approach them safely.

  9. Never operate machines or equipment with defective or missing guards.

  10. Do not use any tool or equipment that is not in good working condition.

  11. Make sure that the tool you are using is appropriate for the medium.

  12. Proper safety attire must be worn at all times. Safety glasses and ear protection will be provided by the CAC MakerSpace. You must additionally adhere to the safety policies for each individual shop area’s dress code.

  13. Long hair must be tied back at all times.

  14. Food and Drinks are not permitted in the wood shop, metal shop, and electronics area.

  15. Use of recreational headphones, ear buds and cell phones is prohibited while operating machinery.

  16. The CAC MakerSpace Staff reserves the right to dismiss any and all members involved from the shop permanently if members are found intentionally disobeying these rules, causing harm to other members, themselves, or the equipment.

  17. All equipment and resources are property of the Chesapeake Arts Center and must remain in the shop at all times.

  18. Clean up after yourself! Please do your best to take care of this communal space.