Calling all creatives, whether you're a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes in the artistic waters – come on over!

The Chesapeake Arts Center is kicking off a cool new community art project for Anne Arundel County Art Month, and they want YOU to get involved! Art Exchange Boxes, a nifty way to spark creativity and community spirit. Picture this: a spot where folks can swap art pieces or grab art supplies to create art, all in a vibrant community space open for everyone to unleash their artistic flair.

The CAC is gearing up to set up several Art Exchange Boxes across West and North Anne Arundel County during Anne Arundel Arts Month (June). And guess what? They need your artistic touch to fill these boxes with creativity! So, whether you're a Picasso in the making or just love doodling, this event is your chance to shine. During the Free Family Art Days we will create art for the Art Exchange Boxes or you can take home art with you. Best part? It's all free, with art supplies generously provided by the CAC. Let's get artsy together!

New Drop-in Arts Workshop Schedule Coming Soon!

Stay tuned for more information
about upcoming FREE Drop-in Arts Workshops


Can’t make a workshop but still would like to help fill the boxes?

No problem - artwork donations are being accepted! Create or donate one (or many) small pieces of artwork and drop them by Chesapeake Arts Center during business hours. Your creation(s) will be distributed among Art Exchange Boxes throughout Anne Arundel County over the coming months.

  • Create artwork no larger than 5”x7” (2D or 3D, any mediums)

  • Please label your piece: Art Exchange Box Art Donation | Your Name

  • Drop your artwork off at CAC’s front office (Main Art Center: 194 Hammonds Lane, Brooklyn Park, MD 21225)